Sunday, May 16, 2010


The Great Gatsby takes place throughout the 1920’s. Many of the characters in the book express how the upcoming generation viewed things and how they handled different situations, such as getting around prohibition. The nickname “roaring twenties” became popular because after World War I, the United States Economy sky rocketed from consumers looking to spend their money. One of the greatest inventions, still used to this day, was the radio. In the 1920’s Televisions were none existing and the Radio was the must have. The radio played comedies, jazz music, live events, and even had news. During the 1920’s penicillin and the insulin for diabetes were discovered, which led to even greater scientific breakthroughs in the future. Movies with sound also became very popular with America. Many Americans were use to movies with no sound, but during the 1920’s movie sound was invented along with 3-D motion pictures. Many of the younger Americans became rebellious against old taboos. They expressed their independency through many different ways such as dancing and the style they dressed. The Charleston became one of the most popular dances at dance clubs and local parties. Other dances like the fox trot and shimmy were preformed by the younger Americans. Women, who cut their hair short and curly, wore short dresses and smoked cigarettes, became known as flappers. The United States also passed the 18th amendment allowing women to have equal voting rights as men. The 1920’s was a profound century until 1929 the stock market crashed and the United States fell into the Great Depression


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