Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New money: is money worked hard for. Most people that make new money are hard devoted workers who know the value of a dollar. People who earn new money come from a family who always had to work for what they wanted in life. Nothing was ever given to them. In the great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby came from a poor family. He met a man named Dan Cody who showed him the importance of working hard. Unfortunately Dan Cody dies and Gatsby is left on his own. Gatsby joins the army and attends a upper class college, oxford, in England while in the service. Gatsby learned to be a business man and with his great people skills he becomes a bootlegger in the United States. He becomes very successful in this and makes a lot of money.

Old money: is money inherited from a family member. People that inherit old money usually never had to work to hard for anything. Everything was just handed to them on a silver platter. Usually the rich marry the rich so they can keep their wealth and not have to worry about working or doing anything for themselves. They are very greedy and selfish. They don’t care for anyone’s well doing except for themselves. They live in the world where money buys them happiness. In The Great Gatsby daisy and tom inherited old money and never worried about a thing. Gatsby describes daisy voice as “full of money” (Fitzgerald 120). This meaning that daisy’s attitude was somewhat stuck up in a way she had no care in the world for the price of any materialistic item.
Fitzgerald Scott F. "The Great Gatsby" New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1925 chapter 7

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